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Toba: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, and Destination
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28284100     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
TOBA (Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, and Destination) merupakan wadah publikasi naskah ilmiah dengan tema utama berkaitan dengan tourism, hospitality and destination yang diterbitkan 4 (empat) kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus dan November. Naskah yang dipublikasikan merupakan hasil temuan, penelitian, rekomendasi, praktik lapangan, maupun sharing pengalaman dari akademisi, mahasiswa, praktisi dan stakeholder lainnya untuk kemajuan kepariwisataan Indonesia. Cakupan Jurnal ini merupakan publikasi ilmiah dengan tema kajian kepariwisataan yang ditelaah secara multidisiplin.
Articles 2 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Mei 2023" : 2 Documents clear
Kearifan Lokal dalam Pernikahan Masyarakat Adat Untuk Pengembangan Wisata Budaya Negeri Tulehu Safinah Yulianty Sitania; Pradina Anjarwati Sukirno; Morgan Ohiwal
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/toba.v2i2.2136


Negeri Tulehu is a village in Maluku Province, Central Maluku Regency. Negeri Tulehu is one of the customary-based villages that in daily life it is regulated in a culture that has been taught and preserved since ancient times. Marriage is one of the sacred activities in Negeri Tulehu and has been maintained to this day. The community believes that marriages carried out with a series of customs will receive blessings from the ancestors. This study aims to analyze the actual condition of local wisdom (marriage) in Negeri Tulehu, Central Maluku Regency. The research was conducted for three months from December to February 2023 covering an initial survey, collecting and processing data using the Phenomenology approach method. The result of the study showed that the marriage procedures that take place in Tulehu Country are still entrenched and are known to this day by the entire community. The 11 elements of marriage that have been preserved to date are Paharuru, Palamay, Malamait, Tauri, Hahalang, Nahusanamang, Dudu Kado, Kakopanokoi, Saudara Kawin, Pasiarere, and Pele Pintu. A series of local wisdom in marriage is a way to strengthen the ties of friendship and brotherhood of all the indigenous people of Negeri Tulehu.
Penanggulangan Kriminalitas di Desa Cikoang Kec. Mangarabombang Kab.Takalar Nurfadilah Syawal Ibraya; Sam'un Mukramin; Fatimah Azis
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/toba.v2i2.2259


Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia. However, most Indonesian citizens still commit crimes. Crime or crime is an act that violates the laws, regulations, norms and values ​​that apply in society. These crimes can harm and threaten the safety and life of a person. Crime itself grows because of crimes in a person such as murder, violence, murder, theft, robbery, robbery, fraud, persecution, theft of substances and drugs, and many others. Meanwhile, from a sociological point of view, crime is treated as an act that deviate from the values ​​or norms prevailing in society. Criminology (criminology) comes from the words crimen (crime) and logos (knowledge or science). As for criminality, as a social problem, social action is carried out by individu…Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia. However, most Indonesian citizens still commit crimes. Crime or crime is an act that violates the laws, regulations, norms and values ​​that apply in society. These crimes can harm and threaten the safety and life of a person. Crime itself grows because of crimes in a person such as murder, violence, murder, theft, robbery, robbery, fraud, persecution, theft of substances and drugs, and many others. Meanwhile, from a sociological point of view, crime is treated as an act that deviate from the values ​​or norms prevailing in society. Criminology (criminology) comes from the words crimen (crime) and logos (knowledge or science). As for criminality, as a social problem, social action is carried out by individu…Title in English. An abstract is a brief summary provides information about the public service; 1) background; 2) partner problems; 3) purpose of devotion; 4) method of devotion; 5) results of devotion; 6) conclusion; and 6) suggestions.

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